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Humanity At It’s Finest
Imagine a world where humans were the #1 priority. Where humans actually cared about, wait for it, other humans. Insert laugh track here. Yes, this is a comedy. A real funny shit show.
The world, our society, the human one, is an interesting piece of work. Where the fuck did we come from and how are we still here?
What we have in place now must be working, right?
Obviously it does as we are supposedly the most resourceful and intelligent beings in existence, right?
We’re a strong population of living beings that are keeping ourselves alive and continuing to thrive but we’re also divided. We can do so much better, but everyday we choose not to.
Imagine how skewed our society is that when providing everyone with basic human needs defaults to no one wanting to do anything anymore. Where no one would contribute back to the society. It’s actually completely laughable.
The society where our doctors, lawyers, cooks, farmers, every single profession would be at stake because no one would have to worry about being able to go home to a warm and safe place with food.
That’s not a joke. It’s a disgrace.
Humans are like cockroaches to other humans. Disposable and completely unnecessary. Until, of course, they do need them.
Everyone outside of the top 1% is a modern day slave. A legal slave to the system. Nothing will change because they are afraid their system will fall. But it doesn’t have to fall.
An opportunity to do better?
Who cares?
The idea that our human society would fall because every single living human being has their basic needs met is not just laughable, it’s a disgrace.
Shame on all of us.
The Human Society: Where the #1 priority is the quality of life of other humans.
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